Grand’s wellington foxtrot

Mummun saappaassa soi foxtrot

The play portrays two parents, Moonika and Veini, who despite the domestic tranquillity in which they live, are somewhat clueless when it comes to understand their children, Janita and Tarmo, or the wider world that exists outside of their house depicted by the Teacher and the Policeman. During the course of the play, this external world and the children’s reality slowly begin to revel themselves to the parents. However Moonika and Veini are unable to really grasp the true nature of what they are seeing. In fact through out their marriage they have surrounded themselves with a strange and absurd wall of happiness with which to protect themselves from any such revelations. Behind the story filled with the uncanny Finnish humour, the play wonders whether it is more constructive to remain in the warm and reassuring cocoon of lies that one’s tell to himself or rather to face the disturbing and destructive truth.

Sirkku Peltola (born 1960) is one of Finland’s most frequently performed playwrights and most distinguished directors. She is the recipient of several drama awards, and her works have been commissioned by many Finnish theatres.