Fun Violence,

10 postcards from Latvia




21 dancers-choreographer in dialogue with 3 film makers are presenting this dashing performance about invisible violence in our society.





Assistants: Ilze Bloka, Jurģis Lūsis

Assistant of movement: Olga Žitluhina, Ilze Zīriņa

Students: Līva Apšeniece, Emīlija Berga, Ģirts Dubults, Roberta Gailīte, Kitija Geidāne, Franciska Golubecka, Vladimirs Goršantovs, Melānija Graumane, Edvards Kurmiņš, Ramona Levane, Oskars Moore, Arturs Muskars, Patrīcija Mūrniece, Simona Ozola, Milena Paviļča, Gundega Rēdere, Marija Saveiko, Katrīna Stepiņa, Darja Turčenko, Marģers Vanags, Emanuēla Zvaigznīte,

Movie students: Krišs Apšenieks, Matīss Kaža, Rūdolfs Miķelsons

Set design, costume design and video design: Marianna Lapina

Directed by Davide Giovanzana

Photographer: Alvils Rolands Bijons.


The show received the award; prize of the public, at the 2020 edition of theatre festival Patriarch Rudens, Riga
This performance examines the notion of triggering the imagination of violence by examining the connection between images (media) and narrative (ways to talk about violence): how violent images can affect the imagination and how imagination can shape the narrative of violent representations in media.
On the one hand violence is socially condemned, but on the other hand there is a growing desire (and pleasure), especially in the new media, to “see” violence. The performance examines this last critical point and especially the connection between image and violence, which is not without problem, because it involves the element of aesthetization of violence and more arguably the danger of transforming a victim into an aesthetic discourse.







The performance relies on the aesthetics of re-enacting “violent images”. The “violent images” are images of specific events that have happened in Latvia. Violent images, through media and digital technology are present relentlessly in our lives. It is not possible to escape them. Sometimes, they are so present, that they become invisible. They are not anymore acknowledged as violence, but simply as ordinary events. By referring to these images as material for developing the performance dramaturgy, the show tackles two aspects related to violence. The first one consists in deconstructing the narratives, the culture (and even the instrumentalization) that allow the emergence of certain types of violence in Latvian society. The second one, is to examine possible strategies to respond to the proliferation of this violent imagery. The objective with this second aspect is to find ways to use violent images to heal rather than using them as instrument to perpetrate certain forms of trauma or of violent culture.







LKA goda profesors Dāvids Džovanzana un laikmetīgās dejas mākslas un audiovizuālās mākslas maģistratūras studenti izrādē “FUN VIOLENCE” (Jautrā vardarbība) apskata neredzamās vardarbības klātbūtni sabiedrībā un “redzamās” vardarbības nonākšanu plašsaziņas līdzekļos.
Neredzamā vardarbība ir visa veida vardarbība, kas ir tik regulāra un acīmredzama, ka tiek pieņemta un uzskatīta par normālu, sākot ar vardarbību ģimenē, līdz vardarbībai valodā. “Redzamā” vardarbība medijos attiecas uz tāda satura izplatīšanu popkultūrā (video, mūzikas klipi, filmas), kas glorificē vardarbību, tādējādi padarot to skatīšanai patīkamu. Izpētes rezultātā ir savākti un apkopoti materiāli (stāsti, gadījumi, raksti, attēli, video u.c.), kas tiek izmantoti izrādes dramaturģijas veidošanā.