December 2024

Anatomy of a Suicide performed at Tampere Worker Theatre (TTT)

Thursday December 12th at 7pm

more info at TTT

November 2024

Anatomy of a Suicide performed at Tampere Worker Theatre (TTT)

Tuesday November 26th, at 7pm

more info at TTT


May 2024

The play The Mystery of Rachel Sinclair performed in a hybrid setting at CAPAS2024 festival in Göttingen on May 30th

*As part of the CAPAS2024 Göttingen, “The Mystery of Rachel Sinclair” is one of the seven featured productions exploring the theme of “Art, Science, and Technology.”

more info: here

April 2024

Anatomy of a Suicide performed at Tampere Worker Theatre (TTT)

April 11th at 7pm,

April 17th at 7pm

April 24th at 7pm

more info: TTT


February 2024

Anatomy of a Suicide premiere at Espoo city theatre

premiere on February 1st at 7pm.

more infor at Espoo city theatre


November 2023

Sivullinen will be performed at Vallila Stage on November 2nd, 3rd and 16th at 19h

Demo of the new performance: Itseen Kirjoitettu at Vallila Stage: November 23rd at 19h.

free entrance but please reserve a seat: here


March 2023

Sivullinen will be performed at Oulu city theatre on March 17th and March 18th

Oulu city theatre:

Lehman in School will perform at the Finnish Bank Museum on March 23rd


February 2023

Curating the New Theatre Helsinki Festival, who belongs to Finland at Svenska Theatre, Feburary 18th to March 11th



November 2022

Premiere of Horror and Ketchup: November 24th

from Monday 28th to December 2nd, tour in the schools in Pirkanmaa area


October 2022

in October 2022 and February 2023 a school version of Lehman Trilogia will tour in several schools in Helsinki area.


December 2021

2.12 Finnish premiere of Survival Kit at 19h

more shows of Survival Kit: 3.12 at 19h, 4.12 at 15h

November 2021

24th at 18.30: Lehman trilogia at Espoo city theatre, Finland

25th at 20h Survival Kit at La NEF, Wissenbourg, France


more shows of Lehman Trilogy at Espoo: 25.11, 27,11 30.11, 1.12, 3.12



October 2021

28th premiere of Sivullinen. 19th

more shows on: 29.10 at 19h, 30.10 at 19, 31.10 at 16h

Vuotalo web page:

August 2021

26 – 28th:  CARPA 7 The 7th Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts 2021  (Organizing committee of CARPA 7)


November 2020

Recording a pilot podcast of Lehman-Trilogia.

September 2020

27th Premiere of Fun Latvia, 10 postcards from Latvia, at Zirgu Pasts, Riga, Latvia


August 2020

1st: Premiere of Lehman Trilogy at Espoo city theatre


March 2020

20th March at 18.30 Premiere Lehman-Trilogia at Espoo City Theatre

Espoo City Theatre:


more performances:

Mon. 23.3. at 18:30

Wed. 25.3. at 18:30

Thu. 26.3. at 18:30

Tue. 31.3. at 18:30

Wed. 1.4. at 18:30

Thu. 2.4. at 18:30

Sat. 4.4. at 14:00

Tue. 7.4. at 18:30

Wed. 8.4. at 18:30

Wed. 15.4. at 18:30

Fri. 17.4. at 18:30

Sat. 18.4. at 14:00

Tue. 21.4. at 18:30

Wed. 22.4. at 18:30

November 2019


Novembre 2019, 23rd-30th: mask and physical comedy workshop at the Latvian Culture Academy

October 2019

25th-26th performing the first part of Lehman Trilogy at the Tampereen Työväen Teatteri (TTT)

August 2019

26th-30th leading a workshop at the Latvian national theatre

May 2019

26th-27th-28th performing: IHME KAUPUNKI stories from Kemi. An itinerant show with 150 performers celebrating 150 years of Kemi. in collaboration with the city theatre of Kemi

April 2019


4th performing Disappearing Future at the Encounter festival in Brno, Czech Republic


27th, 29th, 30th presentation of the atelier: Playing the Victim

more info:

March 2019


11th: starting the third post doc atelier, Playing the Victim, at the theatre academy with the students of the Swedish acting department.

17th-18th: performing Disappearing Future at Zirgu Pasts, Riga

21st-23rd presenting a paper to the SAR (Society for Artistic Research) conference in Zurich.




October 2018

October 1st premiere of Disappearing Future at Zirgu Pasts, Riga

other shows: Octobre 2nd (Septembre 30th: dress rehearsal)


Octobre 18th: performing a demo version of Lehman Trilogy at Espoo City theatre, Finland



September 2018

Sunday 3rd: presenting Lehman Trilogy as part of the Finnish show case at the Helsinki Festival, at Lavaklubi.


Directing Disappearing Future with the students of the Latvian Culture Academy of Riga

July 2018

July 16th to 21st Teaching at International Summer Laboratory of Figurative Theatre (LLFT) in St.Petersburg

July 30th to August 3rd Teaching Commedia dell’Arte at the Accademia Teatro Dimtri, Switzerland

June 2018

Saturday 16th:  in collaboration with Max Ryynänen, Performing the lecture performance : I Know Who You Are, Fucker! at the Riga Performance Festival 2018


May 2018

May 31st-June 3rd: presenting a paper: “Imagination of Violence” at The German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE). Theme of the conference: Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Drama and Performance. Organized by the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Hildesheim (Germany).

April 2018

Presenting Heidis Keller at the Swiss festival Börse of Thun: April 13th

April 27th: opening of Romeo and Juliet


March 2018

Directing Romeo and Juliet at the puppet theatre in Riga


leading the workshop Strange Death and Perfect Bodies at the Latvian Culture Academy


January 2018

November 2017

9.11 Opening of Talvisirkus Play


13th Novembre starting the 2 years post doc research: The Imagination of Violence

October 2017

6.10.: performing the Heart of the Monster  at the Chössi Theater in Lichtensteig


September 2017

Directing the Talvisirkus 2017. Produced by Hurjaruuth. Premiere in Novembre 2017

Septembre 23rd: Premiere of Heidis Keller at the city theatre of Winterthurhttps:

Saturday 16th. Participating in the table ronde: circus and dramaturgy at Gadjo Circus festival

Giving a talk on violence (How to make sense out of violence, oscillation of experience) at the SEP-FEP conference (society for European philosophy) at the University of Winchester, 11th-13th

June 2017

Performing Anatomy of Fear

at Tallin Puppet Theatre Festival, TREFF.

June 1st at 18h, at Kanuti Gildi Saal, main stage


at the Chicago Physical Theatre Festival 2017

at the theatre venue Stage 773

performance on June 8th, 9th and 10th



May 2017

May 3rd and 4th: Performing The Heart of the Monster at the Klein Theatre Luzern, Switzerland

Klein theatre Luzern:




April 2017

April 21st-23rd presenting The Heart of the Monster at the Börse in Thun, Switzerland
Working with the theatre music group: Urstimmen. Directing their new production: Heidi’s Keller (premiere in Septembre 2017 at the theatre of Winterthur, Switzerland

Residence at the Klein Theatre of Luzern with the project Anatomie der Angst. Public presentation of the working progress: Saturday April 29th

March 2017

February 2017

Residence in Südpol, Luzern, Switzerland.
February 11th presentation of Anatomy of Fear 1/4 at Südpol

January 2017

Teaching at Accademia Teatro Dimitri, Switzerland
Starting a post doc research at the Theatre Academy of Helsinki on the subject of performing violence

December 2016

Residence in Südpol, Luzern, Switzerland

November 2016

Novembre 4th-6th: Workshop Contemrporary Commedia dell’arte at Teatteri Metarmfoosi, Helsinki


Novembre 26-27th: Worskhop Contermporary Commedia dell’arte in Tampere

October 2016

Teaching at the Theater Academy of Helsinki


Octobre 21st, 22nd 24th: Performing Richards III AKLA ZARNA, at Zirgu Post, Riga


Octobre 28th: directing the reading of the play The Tiger of our Town by Gianna Carbunariu at the Swedish Theatre of Helsinki