



Amerikkalaisen Lehman Brothers pankin kaatuminen 10 vuotta sitten laukaisi erään maailman taloushistorian pahimmista finanssikriiseistä, jonka vaikutukset tuntuvat edelleen. Stefano Massinin kirjoittama näytelmä LEHMAN TRILOGIA  kertoo Lehman veljesten tarinan, joka alkoi 1800-luvun lopussa heidän tullessaan siirtolaisina Saksasta Amerikkaan. Se kertoo kuinka kolmen veljeksen amerikkalainen unelma muuttui helvetin koneeksi, joka murskasi alleen kaiken.



Näytelmää on ylistetty Italiassa, Ranskassa ja Saksassa ja sitä esitetään parhaillaan Englannissa ja Yhdysvalloissa. Lehman-veljesten uskomattoman tarinan ohella näytelmä antaa maailmantaloudelle ihmiskasvot. Kun taloudesta on tullut lähes uskonkysymys ja sillä perustellaan rajuja sosiaalisia päätöksiä, on teatterin nostettava keskiöön asioita, jotka tapahtuvat taloustieteen verhojen takana.



Emme halua tehdä pelkkää teatteriesitystä vaan luoda alustan, jossa ihmisten henkilökohtaiset tarinat yhdistyvät talousasiantuntijoiden ymmärrykseen. Espoon Kaupunginteatterissa esitämme näytelmän seitsemän ensimmäistä kohtausta. Sen lisäksi esillä on videoinstallaatio, jossa haastatellaan kolmea eri asiantuntijaa: professori Seppo Honkapohjaa, taiteilija Jani Leinosta sekä yrittäjä Fabien Fedyä.




Video: lehman-trilogy-teaser


Stefano Massini: LEHMAN TRILOGY – Erään pankin tuho

Suomenkielinen käännös: Elina Suolahti


Ohjaus: Davide Giovanzana

Esiintyjät: Jussi Lehtonen, Juha Sääski, Timo Torikka

Musiikki ja äänimaailma: Maija Ruuskanen

Video: Joona Petterson

Puvustus: Tinde Lappalainen

Tuottaja: Luc Gérardin

Tuotanto: Teatteri Metamorfoosi. Esitys on toteutettu Suomen Kulttuurirahaston sekä Suomen Kansallisteatterin tuella.

Espoon Kaupunginteatteri – ensi ilta: 01.08.2020

Revontulihalli – Revontulentie 8, Tapiola


Theatre makers and economists in dialogue




This theatre project is a bold initiative that aims to bring together two worlds that are usually considered antagonists: art and finance. It will be organized by independent theatre makers and Helsinki region art institutions together with economists from different academies and banks. Usually the debate is whether art can be instrumentalized by finance or how art can disrupt finance. In this case, this project aims to explain finance through art and use “finance” to generate the artistic work.


The play:

The play Lehman Trilogy written by Stefano Massini tells the rise and the downfall of the Lehman Brothers, one of the most important and influential bank in the world. It shows how the dream of three brothers became a merciless machine crushing everything. By following the saga of the three Jewish brothers, the play depicts the salient moment of the history of the modern America. It is therefore a multi-layered story blending the history of the banks, the merciless laws of market, the building of the American dream myth and especially the transition towards the dematerialisation of the work.


What is special about this play:

This text manages to present simply, but without simplifications, the mechanism of finance and the transition towards the modern economy. The text avoids the hermetic economics jargon and uses a very direct and easy style. By focusing on the founders of the bank, the spectators can connect emotionally with the mechanism of finance and dive into the world of the banks, which affects the everyday life of everybody. However the play does not aim to moralize, or judge. It does not create a Manichaean vision of heartless greedy entrepreneurs. Instead, the play achieves to give a human face to the foggy notion of economics.


What will be special in this production?

The play is extremely long. It is an epic story divided into three parts. therefore the whole play will last at least four hours. We would like then to present each part in a different setting. The production will be extremely light and adaptable to whatever conditions. The intention is to perform the show in different location affected by economics. For instance: the lobby of a bank, the trade market, the recycle centre, an office of a company, the unemployed office.


The goal of the performance

We don’t intend to approach the play in a conventional way, in the sense of putting up a production and just showing it on stage. We want to use the play to integrate specialists in economics with the actors, we want perform the play in unusual locations that manifest a form of economics. And finally we want to establish a strong platform where the spectators can also participate, and share personal stories, which have been affected by economics or the finance. The project, therefore, aims to develop a strong social action and foster a debate and reflection on the presence of economics and finance in our everyday life and especially on the role of the bank.



interview with Davide Giovanzana and Stefano Massini at the Swiss Italian radio about the 10 years anniversary of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and in relation to Stefano Massini’s text


A proposition based on the text Lehman Trilogy by Stefano Massini

Translation : Elina Suolahti

Director : Davide Giovanzana

Cast : Jussi Lehtonen, Timo Torikka, Juha Sääski,

Music: Maija Ruuskanen

Producer: Luc Gérardin


Production: Teatteri Metamorfoosi – Co production: Finnish National theatre Klockriketeatern – Global art point & Espoo City Theatre

With the support from Finnish cultural Foundation